'Samlor Kor Ko | Khmer Food Cooking Samlor Kor Ko Catfish and Pork Ribs | Cooking Show Hello everybody, Today Cooking Show would like to show you how to cook Samlor Kor Ko. It is Khmer food cooking samlor kor ko catfish and pork ribs. Kor Ko is a popular Khmer soup and is a signature dish of Cambodia. Kor Ko made from a mixture of many kinds of green vegetables with choice of meats up to your preference (Fish or Pork) and it has high protein and excellent benefit to your health. #CookingShow #SamlorKorKo #HealthyFood Thank you for support, like, comment and subscribe my channel. We are happy to get ideas, comment to improve this channel. So please do not hesitate to give us advice via this channel, Cooking Show. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW95t08g4xycdekSmFEhUDw?view_as=subscriber'
Tags: Cooking , Recipe , Food , Show , yummy , Chicken , Healthy Food , salmon , cooking show , fried , fish , beef , pork , SHRIMP , catfish , steamed , Khmer foods , pork ribs , khmer food cooking , Cooking Show Video , Cooking Show Channel , Cooking Show Youtube , Easy Home Made , Samlor Kor Ko , Kor Ko Sach Trey , Kor Ko pork ribs , samlor kor ko catfish and pork ribs , toasted rice , special vegetable food
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